
  • Irina Lonskaya


intimate lyrics, image of a beloved woman, portrait, image-symbol, love


The article analyzes the poetry of Grigoria Chuprinky, where the image of the beloved woman of the lyrical hero was considered. With insufficient study of the love lyrics of Grigoria Chuprinky, it can be argued that the theme of love occupied an important place in the work of the artist.
In the poetry, the author does not depict the physical image of the woman himself, but her presence is quite tangible, and thanks to the caressful words, we feel the sincerity and tenderness of the feelings of a lover. Poetry is permeated with the motive of cleansing from sin as a «sacred love» of a beloved, and love acts as the only feeling that is able to atone for all the sins of the earth. In order to reveal the image of a beloved author as much as possible, and to the musicality of poetry, through the combination of assonances and alliterations, he forms the elegiac mood of the poem. In the manner of his beloved, Chuprinka combined the best features: she is beautiful, her character is changing, and in addition she hopes to realize a cherished dream. However, the image of a woman is quite contrasted and ambiguous: she is able to heal the mental wounds of her husband, while, at the same time, she may mortally strike his eyes with her eyes.
The author is using the contrast: creates a portrait of a woman from the inside, based on the psychological depth and mystery of her inner world.
A portrait of a heroine is restored; the symbols of its associative images, the main features of the character are revealed. The poetic practice of the author of the means of creating an artistic image, as well as his stylistic features in love poetry, is determined.



How to Cite

FEATURES OF THE IMAGE OF COHANA IN IMMEDIATE LYRICS GRIGORIA CHUPRYNKI. (2019). Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, 2(70), 127-129. https://journals.oa.edu.ua/Philology/article/view/2393