
  • Lyudmyla Myalkovska
  • Larysa Tykha


scientific text, context, borrowings, neologisms, periodicals, publishing, vocabulary, lexical units


This article is about the specifics of the modern foreign adoptions in Ukrainian scientific and journalistic texts. In particular, it is noted that development of English-language borrowings is accompanied by changes in their semantic structure, according to this we can isolate individual processes: 1) simplification; 2) complication of the semantic structure of the word; 3) narrowing; 4) expansion; 5) changing of the meaning. In addition, new borrowings that are actively functioning in the languageof the Volyn periodicals are analysed, and general tendencies of their usage are traced also.
Analysis of the language of modern Volyn press shows that in most of the texts are various thematic groups of new foreign words. It appliesto special, socio-political, financial, economic, medical, legal and other vocabularies. Among these lexical and thematic groups most of them are words that mean the socio- political concepts.
Borrowings in the language of the modern press Volyn are differentiated for their degree of adaptation. Some of them are rarely used, often in separate topics and texts are not included in the active use of their mother tongue, others operate constantly, become fashionable in the language environment media. Such words are constantly evolving, changing their status in transitioning to the next stage of functioning of the lyrics periodicals, and in the language at all.



How to Cite

MODERNASPECTSOF THERESEARCHOF THE ENGLISH-LANGUAGE BORROWINGS. (2019). Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, 2(70), 156-159.