
  • Nataliia Sovtys


the concept of «sky», bilingualism, language picture of the world, the Ukrainian-Polish language frontier zone


The article analyses peculiarities of verbalization of the concept of «sky» in the bilingual poetry of the Ukrainian-Polish frontier writer of the second half of the nineteenth century Lev Venhlinskii. The concept of «sky» is one of the most important in the person’s outlook as it plays a significant role in the system of views and values ​​that determine the general perception and understanding of the world and the place of human being in it. The importance of the concept of «sky» in the poet’s works is determined by the scope of its semantic implementations among which are generally accepted interpretation and author’s vision.
We can observe that the folk motifs and author’s language are inextricably interwoven in the symbolism of the concept of «sky» and its light, the source of which are the sun, moon and stars. L. Venhlinskii’s sky landscapes prove that he is the master of the Ukrainian word, which he learned in childhood along with Ukrainian traditions and customs. Sky landscape descriptions reflect the author’s mood, regrets about younger years, show love for his «small motherland» Ukraine, which corresponds to the reflexive structures of the double national identity of the frontier writers.
In Lev Venhlinskii’s Polish literary works the concepts of space provide historical and artistic specifics and appeal to historical memory. Descriptions of nature, sunrise and sunset acquire definitions with connotations of the philosophical assessment of human existence, reflect the poet’s Christian world view. The author succeeded in combining the Christian tradition with the folk beliefs of the two Slavic peoples – Ukrainian and Polish. The picture of the world of the poet’s bilingual works is perceived as multidimensional and multifaceted with the sacred and terrestrial spheres, with universal values and author’s traditions, the most important of which is the love for the native land, its history and God.



How to Cite

VERBALIZATION OF THE CONCEPT OF «SKY» IN LEV VENHLINSKII’S POETRY. (2019). Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, 2(70), 201-203.