
  • Alina Borysova
  • Larysa Sapozhnikova


nomenclature and terminology compositions, nomen, nomenclature, term, confectionery products, structural types, motivational types, extralingual factors


Nomenclature units for the denomination of confectionery products, which represent scientific branch of the restaurant industry in retrospect, are studied on the Ukrainian background. The authors consider nomenclature units as special types of terms that correlate with the concrete notion and actualize substantive connections, and distinguish their own names and nomenclature-terminological combinations among them; specificate technological and commercial name of a confectionery product, prove that nomenclature of the restaurant industry is involved into the terminology.
In the aspect of the problem under research, linguistic characteristics of the names are traced, in particular, different ways of creation, semantic transformation, secondary use of commonly used, branch and foreign lexis. A part-language analysis was carried out. Tools, structural and motivational types were determined, foundations-motivators of confectionery products’ names were specified. Scientific research shows that nomens in the nomenclature-terminological combinations are mainly nouns and adjectives; at the level of structure. The simplest are mono-lexical nomenclature units, among which root and suffix formations predominate. Nomens possess the ability to represent different types of phrases and belong to full verbal complexes that reflects comprehensive nature of the object-nominee, simultaneously indicating several of its features: variety, raw materials, components, and quality of products. In the choice of motivational signs of nomens for designating confectionery products, commonly used vocabulary prevails, the perception of which, at the demand of time, should have caused not only positive emotions concerning nutrition, but also pride for the country and its achievements. Use of the language as an instrument of propaganda in various spheres, and, in particular, in the field of goods and services was widespread in the former Soviet Union. The research shows that the range of confectionery products is characterized by semantic content and internal organization.



How to Cite

STRUCTURAL AND MOTIVATIONAL TYPES OF NOMINATING CONFECTIONARY PRODUCTS IN RETROSPECT. (2019). Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, 6(74), 133-135.