dialectal phraseology, component composition ofphraseology units, Volyn manners of speakingAbstract
Interest of society in the sources of spiritual culture and folktraditions is predetermined necessity of research of thephraseology systems of the areal broadcasting as inalienablepart of national speech. Phraseology of the Volyn manners of speaking is todaymarked the far of units that take place from a religiously-church source, predefined by prechristian beliefs andceremonies, certifies world view presentations and reference-points, spiritual life of not only indigenous population but alsoother ethnic groups that since olden times closely contactedwith Ukrainians.
Folk phraseology as good as possible gives an idea about thetransmitters of manners of speaking. On soil of local traditionsand in close connection with the interpenetration of the bookand colloquial broadcasting a cultural identity and nationalconsciousness are formed.
Among the components of phraseological units that touch thesphere of spiritual and religious life, it is possible todistinguish units, that is used on denotation of clericals,articles of church consumption, ceremonies, services, show asoba the fragments of religious texts, touch the studiescarried out It happens also and vocabulary on denotation ofreligiously-philosophical concepts.
Expressions of religious style, getting in the spoken language, by such method same change meaning.