terminology, asyndetic technical terms, translation, three-component ATT, structural typeAbstract
The article deals with the adequate translation of Asyndetic Technical Terms (ATT) in the Automobile Industry Sphere. Special terms generally correspond to a single concept in the investigated sphere and play a substantial role in the construction and development of technical terms. There can be suggested several ways of ATT faithful translation into the target language. Three componental ATT can be rendered into Ukrainian by the following approaches:
– beginning with the adjective, after the head noun and its adjunct – camshaft gear drive- шестерний привід розподільного валу;
– beginning with the initial adjective followed by the adjunct and then the head noun – major autumn transport company- головна осіння транспортна компанія;
– reverse order translation, beginning with the head noun followed by attributive component and the adjunct noun – relative wear resistance index – відносний показник опору зношення;
– in a descriptive way, condensed ATT needs more words in the target translation to render their meaning – radiator top header – верхня з’єднувальна серцевина радіатору.
During the study of ATT, their types and features were also investigated. An analysis of 300 terms was conducted in the automobile construction sphere. During this researching it was found out that three-component ATT were predominant and amounted to 42% (frequency index). So it may be stated, that the multicomponent technical terms occupy the leading role in English automobile industry field terminology.
Summarizing all the above, it should be noted that English terms transfer to the Ukrainian language requires knowledge of the field related to translation, terms content understanding in English and terminology knowledge in the native language.