comparison-assimilation, contrastive comparison, referent, correlate, module of comparisonAbstract
Two universal semantic formulas are approved and confirmed for comparison-assimilation and for contrastive comparison. They are relevant for different distributive comparison models, regardless of its formal expression.
Our research is the part of the analysis of the comparative structures with wie/als Markers in Contemporary German Language and aims at revealing qualitative and quantitative correlation between components of the comparative frame models with the help of symbols. We try to model universal semantic formulae for comparison-assimilation and for contrastive comparison that are suitable for various distributive models of comparison and help to enable semantic interpretation of comparison irrespectively of the variety of their formal expression.
To define the components of the semantics model of comparison we have selected such terms as referent, module and correlate that, in our opinion, explicitly illustrate the vast system of comparison verbalization in the contemporary German language.
Category of comparison has a wide range of means of linguistic representation – morphological, word forming, lexical, syntax. However, three first ones do not exist beyond the framework of syntagmatics and their compatibility with other language units transfers them into the components of the syntax structures with comparative semantics.
Comparison as cognitive mechanism and means of controlling mental representations implies the subject of the comparison.
We have singled out the means for the subject of the comparison and stated that the element “subject of the comparison” unites two possible variants: “mentioned subject of the comparison” and “addresser”. These variants are the basis for the two ways of implementation of the semantic model of comparison: comparative structures with wie/als markers with subject of the comparison and structures with wie/als markers without subject of the comparison.