
  • Viktoria Herman
  • Veronika Zamoshnikova


addressee, epistolary, epistolary text, address, letter, language communication, psycholinguistics


In this article, we have substantiated the function of appeals in the letters of Lesya Ukrainka. We have studied the outgoing correspondence to Olga Kobylyanskaya. We analyzed the psycholinguistic orientation of appeals, conditions and factors of influence on the formation of linguistic products. We decoded the psychological meanings of the addresses and we interpreted the emotional saturation of specific units.
It is a fact: writing is a fundamental unit of the epistolary text, within the framework of which the real traditions and relationships of correspondents are deciphered and interpreted. The formation of appeals, their appearance, emotional saturation is influenced by the personal and internal vicissitudes of the participants in communication and the social language environment.
The issue of the peculiarities of the functioning of appeals in the letters of Lesya Ukrainka through multi-vector prisms is highlighted in the works of many linguists, in particular in the editions of S. Bogdan (semantic-syntactic, linguocultural, psycholinguistic and other aspects).), G. Arkulishin (lexical and semantic aspect), N. Zhuravleva (individual author's and one-time awards), etc.
The purpose and objectives of the study is to identify and analyze the texts of personal outgoing correspondence of Lesya Ukrainka, in particular, correspondence with Olga Kobylyanskaya, to determine the psycholinguistic characteristics of the appeals in these letters and to study the emotional and expressive nature of linguistic neoplasms.
Special attention is paid to appeals, expressed in a variety of ways, in which the conotativity and expressiveness of semantic linguistic units are encoded.
In the letters of Lesya Ukrainka, a more intimate mood of communication is activated, expressed, in particular, in the existence of diminutive-affectionate and psychologically deep ones in the epistolary. The psychology of the ethnos is realized in the epistolary text through the use of well-grounded adjectives that give the language of writing a kind of folk song, folklore coloring.
The etymological analysis of Olga Kobylyanskaya's references helps to create a complex psychological portrait of the addressee.
So, great importance in the formation of opinions and the formation of thinking of Lesya Ukrainka is played by his education, social circle, interests, desires, activities and psychological organization.



How to Cite

PSYCHOLINGUISTSC DIRECTION OF APPEALS IN THE LETTERS OF LESIA UKRAINKA. (2021). Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, 11(79), 56-59.