
  • Olga Mandryko


B. Traven, Mexico, imagology, ethnic stereotypes, theme of labor


This article is devoted to the study of the components of the image of Mexico in the novel «Cotton pickers» («Die Baumwollpflücker», 1925) by German writer B. Traven. This research introduces «Cotton pickers» as the first artistic acquaintance with Mexico for the Ukrainian readers in the year 1930, and clarifies the place of the novel in the Ukrainian culture of that time. The author aims to analyze the novel «Cotton pickers» as a «laboratory» of Mexican imagery of the writer and to trace the transformations of the figurative representations of this country. Depicting his hero in constant motion in search of work, the writer creates a unique image of Mexico, which mutually reflects society and geography, human habits and animal behavior, working conditions and climate. The research investigates the topic of labor in the novel and analyzes the socio-political attitude of its author. The article describes different ethnical images, presented by B. Traven, such as Germans, French, Indians, Americans. The research determines the direction of thematic development of the novel: from the description of strikes and difficult working conditions to the apotheosis of the beauty of Mexico and its inhabitants. Images of cotton pickers, confectioners, waiters, cattle drivers as well as bandits and whores are considered. The article analyzes the writer’s style, characterized by detailed descriptions of places, food, dances, city orchestras, railway stations. The scientific article shows the leading topos of B. Traven’s novels, including Mexican landscapes, streets and squares of Tampico, hostel, train, oil production etc. It is argued that the theme of the novel is broader than its title: the author creates an anthem for the country, summarizing its image in the dimensions of love and glorification. The research concluded that the content of the German novel reflects its task in the Ukrainian culture of the time: to present a realistic, true, devoid of exotic story about the overseas country.



How to Cite

THE IMAGE OF MEXICO IN B. TRAVEN’S NOVEL «COTTON PICKERS». (2022). Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, 13(81), 175-178.