
  • Sofiia Kolomiiets
  • Viktoriia Kulykova


journalistic style, military texts, translation transformations, informative function, influence, equivalence


The article deals with the problem of translating military-related journalistic texts in terms of the functions of the journalistic style, among which we distinguish the informative and the influence functions. The informative function, which is often embodied in the chronicle genre and consists in presenting information without influencing the recipient's reaction, leads to the avoidance of the use of words and techniques that achieve this effect. The function of influence, which is present in analytical articles in particular, requires the use of lexemes and artistic devices through which the author manipulates the recipient's reaction.
The main objective of the article is to establish the pragmatic purpose and lexical means used in different genres of journalistic texts with a view to their further adequate translation, as well as to identify the peculiarities of using translation transformations in the translation of military texts.
The study found that this feature of the style complicates the translation process, as it creates problems related to lexical, stylistic and pragmatic components. Translation transformations help the translator to systematise the source material and retranslate it into the target language without violating its language norms. The analysis of the translated article excerpts revealed that the most commonly used transformations were transcription, transliteration, loan translation, concretization, substitution, omission and antonymous translation. The study has shown that the use of translation transformations is heterogeneous and is usually caused by the author's communicative goal, compliance with the rules of grammar of the target language, and the desire to facilitate the recipient's perception of the text without losing the semantic and stylistic elements of the original.



How to Cite

FRENCH MILITARY JOURNALISTIC TEXTS: FEATURES OF TRANSLATION. (2023). Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, 19(87), 89-93.