popular literature, realistic prose, topoi of garden, Ivan Nechui-Levitskyi, utopia, garden of the blessed, Ukrainian landscape, narodnytstvoAbstract
The article deals with mapping of fictional world in two utopian short stories of Ukrainian writers of the second part of XIX century in parametres of perfect space (including mystical-and-mythological aspect) and critisizing social ones. It turned out that authors are oriented on different traditions of utopia writing and thinking. I. Nechui-Levitskyi proposes to reader (and his hero) to recognize a paradise in views of riches and magnificence of nature at the afterlife country. S. Podolynskyi draws a space of rationalistic state have embodied a definite program. So they construct and base on different models of universe: in one case -- mythological one in which this world is connected with afterlife; and scientifical one in which only earthly world do exists but man has a fantastic ability to move in time. Anybody could see the authors to concentrate only on Ukrainian territory. Views of nature (a river, a steppe, a grove, river rapids and so on), mythologized landscapes (a garden, a sacred island, a cross-church, rocks, waterfall), cultured loci (a city, a village, railways, prisons, fields, melons, cherry orchads, house and so on) are descripted extensive or only named. I. Nechui-Levitskyi’s manner is characterized as rich detailed description and panoramic writing, S. Podolynskyi prefer to give a name of topoi. The writers single out in the narrative a time of transition (moment of trial of personage on the edge of death and return from afterlife when universe spherees are unfold in Nechui-Levitskyi’s story; and a revolution events in text of Podolynskyi) and to modell space in proper means. Panoramic style is used to presentation of transitive space and time of rebellion (Podolynskyi) and to criticize occupation of Ukraine and its social demand (Nechui-Levitskyi).