Syntactic means of ekspressivization with the elimination of the structural components


  • Н. А. Ковальська


discourse, economic discourse, expressivity, ellipsis, parcellation


Modern scientific paradigm aims to study ways to implement cognitive-communicative nature of the interaction of communicants in the process of communication. Any social action is an expression of the subjective objective attitude to what is happening. Accordingly, representation and classification of knowledge, attitudes, ideas, causes various psychological reactions and emotions. So all modern scientific studies of different types of discourse based on their functional identity, namely the dialectical unity of function of influence and function of the message. Despite the fact, that for the genres of scientific style characteristic is the limited use of emotionally-expressive elements, today there is a tendency to strengthen the expressive function. Research of questions expressive syntax devoted a considerable amount of research known domestic and foreign linguists. Absence of the special linguistic research devoted to the analysis of syntactic ekspressivization scientific speech of the modern Ukrainian economic discourse, determines the relevance of our research.
The article is devoted to research of modern economic discourse on a material of scientific articles of the Ukrainian magazine «The Economist». Identified the main means of scientific speech on ekspressivization syntactic and stylistic level. Disclosed the essence of the key notions – «ellipsis» and «parcellation». We characterize the features of the use of elliptical and parceled constructions with order to enhance the capacity of a pragmatic potential scientific text.



How to Cite

Syntactic means of ekspressivization with the elimination of the structural components. (2018). Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, 1(64), 170-173.