About the Journal

Scientific notes of the National University "Ostroh Academy". Series: Philosophy (ISSN 2312-7112) is a peer-reviewed periodical scientific publication of the Ostroh Academy National University.

The purpose of the journal is to publish, publicly discuss and popularize the results of scientific research in the field of philosophy based on open access to the authors' publications.

Publication language: Ukrainian, English

Publication frequency: 2 times a year. Articles are accepted twice a year (by May 15 and by November 15)

The journal is included in international scientometric bases and catalogs of scientific publications: Google Scholar, Digital Object Identifier System (DOI), National Library of Ukraine named after V. I. Vernadskyi.

The editorial office of the journal receives and registers the DOI for articles.

Any opinions and views expressed in the publications are the opinions and views of the authors and do not represent the opinions or views of the National University "Ostroh Academy".

All scientific articles in this journal go through a review process based on initial selection by the editor and anonymous review.

The publication is addressed to researchers, scientific and pedagogical workers, graduate students and students, as well as to a wide range of readers interested in contemporary problems of philosophy.

The journal adopts an Open Access policy as defined by the BOAI. According to it, the materials of the magazine are available to all users free of charge immediately after publication. The texts may be freely read, downloaded, copied, distributed, printed, searched for the full text of the articles or referred to, used for any other lawful purpose, without the need for prior permission from the publisher or authors.

The magazine is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. In case of any further distribution/citation of scientific articles of the NaUOA Scientific Notes journal. Series: Philosophy, it is necessary to indicate the authors, the title of the work, the reference to the journal and the DOI.

Journal articles are checked for plagiarism using Unicheck software.