Lingvomethodical Aspect Of The Work With Phraseological Units At RAF Classes


  • Т. А. Клименко


idiom, motivation, time value, verb paradigm, method, RAF classes


The article deals with linguistic and methodological aspects of the study of phraseological units concerning with the work at the lessons of Russian as a foreign language. Phraseological units possess aesthetic value, so it is often included to the training material. The interpretation of them occurs on pretextual work level. The actual material of the article has about 50 different levels of language units, the selection of idioms was carried out in the presence of words with temporal meaning.



How to Cite

Lingvomethodical Aspect Of The Work With Phraseological Units At RAF Classes. (2018). Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, 1(64), 168-170.