psychology, linguistic bases of punctuation training, stages of mastering knowledge, types of punctuation skillsAbstract
The article deals with the issues of gradual formation of mental actions, maintenance of psychological operations (prevention of the content segment necessary for expression of additional meaning in the sentence; anticipation of new thought and its connection with the previous one in the text; the content of the punctuation mark, the definition of the punctuation mark and the selection of the desired punctuation mark), which underlie the discovery of the properties and features of the basic punctuation concepts, and so same formation punctuation skills; the structure of mental activity for mastering punctuation rules and the formation of literacy skills are described.
The general methods of mental work, consisting of the following operations, are distinguished: recognition in the sentence of some initial syntactic elements; mental combination of elements in the rule-like semantic-syntactic blocks, which are divided by sentences into punctuated parts; determining the required punctuation marks.
The concept of punctuation vigilance, which is the basis for forming the ability to punctuate correctly formulate sentences and text according to the studied punctuation rule, is distinguished.
It is noted that complete mastery of the techniques of punctuation analysis is not possible without taking into account certain psychological processes. It is established that the formation and operation of punctuation skills is possible only in the presence of certain syntactic and punctuation generalizations.