
  • Dong Qi


manipulation, manipulative techniques, political discourse


The article is dedicated to the understanding of the political discourse of that mind The political struggle is always accompanied by the rhetoric of the opposing political forces. From the development of the media space and from the vorakhovuyuchi fast hour, spent on orientation at the new, to the political text, all things are presented. The text can only be written as a written language, so that it can be remembered, seen on other numerical texts in political circles, the neutrality of the language is not typical for political discourse. With this kind of agitation, that propaganda can lead to the “repeal” of these ideas from the side of the audience, in connection with which it is necessary for more “vishukans” to supply information of a political nature. In the process of political communication, the action that is directed at the addressee-actor is especially important. Tsey vpliv zdіysnyuєtsya through a sign, more precisely, through a moving sign (in opposition to a moving sign). It is regulative to act, as the head rank, through the reverse side of the reminder, the form of the moving sign is secondary. If the one who speaks, to rob a bigger voice for the sake of it, you will not change the audience in your rightness, the situation will be blamed for the change. However, sometimes the speaker emphasizes his own respect for the form. The author robs the form of the main component of the regulative inflow, it is put more for zmіst; the form is given more like this, it looks like a change, it transforms into a self-sufficient one. Roblyachs have a greater voice on the form, which can be said to cope with a singing poetic effect, a rhetorical effect. Instead of using the form of submission, the sense of the word, the use of words, the whole text can be done piece by piece – for the choice of a bright word, a bright sign, for a bright image. Such an effect can be called manipulative. The mechanism of manipulative techniques is launched for the analysis of the evaluation component, which is entered in the code of the notification.



How to Cite

MANIPULATIVE COMBINATIONS IN ENGLISH POLITICAL DISCOURSE. (2022). Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, 13(81), 17-19.