
  • Tetyana Bublyk


paradox, oxymoron, antithesis, stylistic device, pragmatic meaning, conceptual content


The article is devoted to the analysis of the use of paradox in the meditative works of Indian mystic Osho. We single out the paradox as a key component that the author uses to update his worldview and profile the idea of the erroneousness of conventional ideas about the world and a person’s place in it.
In the works of the author we find paradoxes about humans, nature, enlightenment; paradoxes about life and death. The paradox (supplemented by an oxymoron and antithesis) as one of the main stylistic devices, has a large charge of expression, evokes various emotions and is used by the author to reveal the ideological and pragmatic meaning of works and their conceptual content. We assume that the paradoxical nature of the studied works is caused by the influence of philosophical teachings of the East, which profess self-knowledge and self-improvement, which is more important than knowledge of the world around us. Incompatibility, marked by a paradox, is a direct reflection of the dialectical unity and struggle of opposites that prevails in nature and is reflected in human thinking and worldview. With the help of paradox, the author conveys the complexity and contradictions of both the surrounding reality and the inner world of a person.
We have encountered cases of using a paradox, supplemented by similes and parallel constuctions. Therefore, the language of the author of meditative works deserves attention in terms of these stylistic figures, which are often used in convergence to achieve the highest rhetorical and semantic effect. The stylistic figure of paradox is used by the author to reveal the ideological content of the works and profile the key concepts: LIFE, TRUTH, TRUTH, ENLIGHTENMENT, BEING, etc. The author focuses on important aspects, sharpens the reader’s attention, makes you look at familiar things from a different angle. As a result, we claim that the paradox in the studied works performs an actualizing function in order to draw attention to known truths and their (according to the author) erroneousness.



How to Cite

PARADOX AS A KEY COMPONENT OF THE AUTHOR’S IDIODYSTLE (BASED ON OSHO’S WORKS). (2022). Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, 13(81), 154-157.