
  • Hanna Zviahina
  • Olena Solyanenko


adventure, diary, phraseological units, stylistic figures, inserted constructions


The article is devoted to the study of the specifics of Yuriy Kosach adventure novel «The ruler of Pontida». It identifies its idea and issues, the place of this genre in the system of genre modifications and among the historical works of the author. A specific form of the work ‒ diary affects the merging of the image of the narrator and the image of the author. The novel is written on behalf of an imaginary historical figure using the «book» language of the XVIII century, which the author preserves with minor edits. All this determines the use of specific language tools that determine the style of the work and the features of individual authorial style. We consider Latinisms, Makaronizms, Polonisms and author’s neologisms which are forming the lexica of the work. We also study phraseological units, which are classified by origin and method of use. Foreign language borrowings call particular interest. The author submits them with an explanation or translation. We investigated transformed or individually-authorial novel’s phraseology. Attention is paid to stylistic figures in the novel and the purpose of their use. In particular, such as gradation, aposiopesis, polysyndeton, asyndeton, pleonasm, tautology, repetition, paronomasia, antithesis, rhetorical question, question and answer are considered. Among the syntactic means insert words are considered and six groups are distinguished in terms of their meaning. Attention is paid to the inserted constructions, ways of their introduction, structural expression (phrases, simple and different types of complex sentences) and complications (question marks, exclamations, citations and phrases). Their combination and sentences saturation by them are noted.



How to Cite

STYLISTICS OF YURIY KOSACH NOVEL «THE RULER OF PONTIDA». (2022). Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University: Philology Series, 13(81), 162-166.