contractarianism, mutual advantage, social contract, capabilities approach, justice, reciprocity, equality, vulnerability, education, upbringing, empathy, moral feelings, compassionAbstract
The article demonstrates the American philosopher’s attempt to actualize the problem of justice for people with disabilities, non-human animal and in the field of international relations, by reinterpreting the central concepts of contractarianism «mutual advantage», «equality», «justice», «independence», «reciprocity» in the light of the concept of «capability approach» according to the work of «Frontiers of Justice».
We consider especially important the idea of interpreting a person as a «political and social animal», which Nussbaum borrows from Aristotle and makes it central within the limits of the «capabilities approach», and the idea of a person’s mental/physical «vulnerability» in different periods of life. Based on these two theses, the philosopher suggests reconsidering the question of how we interpret the parties to the social contract, namely their equality, independence, freedom, rationality.
The article pays special attention to Martha Nussbaum’s analysis of people’s moral feelings and emotions, their potential in the socio-political context. It is significant that in the list of fundamental abilities, the realization of which should be ensured in liberal democratic societies, the central place is occupied by the ability to feel, experience, understand, think, love, apply practical reason, rejoice, and be in harmony with the surrounding world and the natural world in particular. The list of these capacities indicates what a truly human existence in this world should look like. But, since we are not born with the ability to embody these abilities, the main role in their upbringing and cultivation is given to education in the broadest sense of the word. In the process of education/upbringing, people need to master the basics of critical thinking, empathy, artistic taste – all these things must be harmonized, according to Martha Nussbaum’s deep conviction. Philosophy, in its turn, should provide the very possibility of rethinking the worldview guidelines of one or another society, and, accordingly, the possibility of their adjustment.